
The Viprinet® Multichannel VPN Router™ lets you bundle up to six physical broadband lines like ADSL into a single virtual dedicated line.
Really new stuff: Yes, even in the year 2017, CrossKylix still is used and
actively maintained by the author. 13 years anniversary \o/. And it now even
supports installing it into recent (Unicode-based) Delphi versions up to
10.2 Tokyo.
Not-so new
stuff: In late December 2012 we finally published CrossFPC,
which integrates FreePascal as a cross-compiler inside the Delphi IDE.
Using that, you may target various platforms including 32 Bit Linux. While
CrossKylix still is used by many, unlike it the CrossFPC project actually
has a future. Go check it out!
Old stuff: In February 2007 I wrote: A
cross platform vision for Delphi - a detailed analysis and proposal
on how CodeGear could increase Delphi's market share again by integrating
a cross-platform compiler into the Delphi/BDS IDE. Old, but still an
interesting read, especially as some of my ideas from back then finally
appear to get implemented.
CrossKylix - Kylix Crosscompiler for Delphi/Windows
Welcome to CrossKylix, a free toolkit to integrate the Borland Kylix
(Delphi for Linux)
compiler into the Delphi
Windows IDE.
This project was created for people who wish to develop cross-platform
applications with Delphi, without the need to switch between Linux/Kylix
and Windows/Delphi all the time. The project is best suited for usage in
web applications, packages and components, but crosscompiling of visual
CLX projects is also supported.
Up until now developing cross-platform with Delphi required you to have a
seperate Linux installation (either on a dedicated box or inside VMWare)
to recompile your project for the Linux platform. With CrossKylix this is
no longer needed - you are able to build your
project using the Kylix compiler from directly inside your Windows Delphi
IDE, without the requirement of a local Linux system.
Sounds cool? Read on...
CrossKylix has the following features:
- Allows you to compile native Linux applications from inside the
Windows Delphi IDE
- Console projects, packages and visual CLX applications are fully
- CrossKylix is perfectly integrated into the Delphi IDE - you will get
compile warnings, hints and error messages, and be able to jump to the
lines in question by clicking on the message pane the same way as with
the internal Delphi windows compiler
- Makes Kylix Application deployment easier than ever - no need to
install Kylix shared objects to /usr/lib, no need to create startup
scripts for your Application
- Very high Linux emulation speed - low compile times
- A command line compiler (ckdcc) is included for you make-file loving
- It automatically fixes the Kylix exec-shield
bug during compilation
- It's free! :)
How it works
Of course CrossKylix isn't a real cross compiler. The only ones able to
build a real cross compiler would be Borland themselves. Instead the
official Kylix command line compiler is used in an emulated Linux
environment. To do that, CrossKylix implements a loader for the Linux ELF
binary file format. Once dcc is loaded into memory, it is executed in a
debugger-like way, translating all Linux syscalls to native Win32
functions. To achieve this it wasn't needed to write a "real" Linux
emulator, it was enough to emulate the memory functions and Linux syscalls
needed by dcc and the shared objects it loads.
Prior versions of CrossKylix used to be based on the LINE project, which
emulates Linux syscalls through the Cygwin Linux emulation layer. As
Cygwin is a buggy beast, this caused quite a lot of frustration on my
side, and gave CrossKylix several limitations. By rewriting the emulation
engine in native Win32 code, LINE and cygwin and with them all those
problems are now history.
Next step was writing a Delphi IDE plugin to integrate the compiler. This
plugin adds "Build with CrossKylix" and "Compile with CrossKylix" items to
the Project-menu. During compile, it also parses the output of the Kylix
compiler executed in the background to give out Hints/Errors to the Delphi
messages window - clicking on those brings you to the source file at the
correct line, like it uses to be in Delphi. So after all, integration is
pretty tight - not much difference to compiling for Windows. One
limitation exists: You can't directly run or debug the compiled linux
As a special bonus after CrossKylix installation a patched version of
Libc.pas is created. If you use this version of Libc.pas in your projects,
most of your Kylix application deployment issues will be history. More
about this below. Also a bug in the Kylix compiler
which crashes your Kylix applications when run on exec-shield enabled
systems is fixed automatically.
Now you know how it's done. Let's go test that beast.
Requirements and Download
The following things are needed to use CrossKylix:
- Installed Delphi 6, 7, 8, 2005, 2006... etc including Delphi
XE10.2 Tokyo
- Kylix 3 installation CD (CrossKylix is tested with Kylix 3
Enterprise and Open Edition)
- Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 (Windows 95/98/Me won't
Download CrossKylix Version 1.1.2, June 22th 2017, 1.2MB
Starting with Version 0.9.0, setting up CrossKylix is pretty easy. Please
follow these steps:
1. Download and run the CrossKylix installer
Well, yes.
2. Insert your Kylix 3 installation CD
Next we need to install the Kylix files (binaries, libs and units). At
the end of the setup program, you are automatically asked for this. You
may also cancel the dialogue and start the "Installkylix" tool at a later
time, if you prefer. The installer will prompt you for your Kylix 3
installation CD, unpack and install all required files, and then create a
patched copy of Libc.pas (see below).
If you only got an ISO file of a Kylix 3 installation CD, use
DaemonTools or something similar to mount it.
CrossKylix also works with the Open Edition of Kylix 3. It's no longer
available for download, I guess. If you happen to find a copy, unzip the
tar.gz file using Winzip (or another packer) to a directory of your
choice, extracting the path names too. Now inside the InstallKylix tool
just browse to the directory you've unpacked Kylix 3 to and it will work.
3. Install the ide-plugin/expert
Fire up your Delphi, open <Installation
path>\ideplugin\crosskylix.dpk , compile and install. You
should see two new items in the Project menu, and a new menu item in the
tools menu. After package installation, the CrossKylix options dialog
should pop up. Browse to your CrossKylix installation path, so the label
says "OK!". Hit OK, and you are done.
4. Test it
Write a little hello world command line application, save it, and
compile it under Windows. Now hit "Build with CrossKylix". The IDE-Plugin
should be converting your projects .cfg file to a linux dcc .conf file,
and then execute the compiler. If everything went correctly, you'll end up
with a linux binary in your project directory. If not, recheck everything,
and have a look at the generated .conf file.
Have fun testing!
Hints & Limitations
Here are a few hints and tips for using CrossKylix:
- While this seems obvious, it's often not noticed by new CrossKylix
users: CrossKylix can be configured using
Tools / CrossKylix
options inside the Delphi IDE
- When changing Delphi project settings, always save the project before
compiling with CrossKylix, else the .cfg file won't be regenerated.
- Remember you need to program in a cross-platform way. Make sure you
never use absolute paths in your uses clauses. Third-party-components
without source usually have different dcu's for Kylix and Delphi. Best
practice for path management is: Add all Windows-specific unit search
paths to
Tools/Environment Options/Library . Add all
Linux-specific unit search paths to Tools/CrossKylix options .
Add all project specific search paths that use source compatible with
both Linux and Windows in Project/Options/Directories&Conditionals .
- If you encounter a compiler error like "Unit identifier 'bratwurst'
does not match file name", you probably are suffering from this: While
CrossKylix internally translates all paths to windows format whenever a
file is accessed, the Kylix dcc compiler expects file paths to be in
linux format inside the source files. If you use relative or absolute
paths inside your projects, for example
uses bratwurst in
'..\bratwurst.pas'; , CrossKylix will access the file just fine.
But for dcc, the only valid path delimiter is '/' (forward slash), as it
is under Linux. So the example given will result in dcc thinking the
unit name is '..\bratwurst', which will fail to compile. So: For
projects you are compiling with CrossKylix, always make sure you use
forward slashes, e.g. uses bratwurst in '../bratwurst.pas';
in your source files including the project file. Luckily the Windows
compiler also accepts forward slashes as a valid path delimiter, so you
do not have to use IFDEFs to seperate between Linux and Windows - just
always use forward slashes in path names inside your sources.
- CrossKylix includes a command-line compiler, ckdcc. You'll find it in
the CrossKylix installation directory. Usage is the same as with the
original dcc compiler under Linux.
- Space characters in path names are evil and often the root of all kind
of problems. The background to this is that Linux uses a totally
different way to "escape" space characters. Under Windows, if you use
spaces in path names, you usually surround them with double quotes to
get them accepted as a parameter. This does not work under Linux. Under
Linux space characters are used by putting a backslash (\) in front of
each space character. As you know, \ is used as a path seperator under
Windows, so it's more or less impossible to translate this between both
worlds. When compiling projects using the CrossKylix IDE plugin, paths
that contain space characters will be translated using the good old
short path name API (you know, those Micros~1 kind of names). This
doesn't work for ckdcc, the command line version of CrossKylix. Basic
thumb of rule: Installing CrossKylix to a directory that has spaces in
its name is ok, but if you plan to use the command-line compiler, the
projects you are compiling should be placed in a directory without
- If you find a bug, turn on CrossKylix debug message in CrossKylix
options and write me a bug
Version history
Here is a list of recent changes to the project:
1.1.2 06/22/2017
- Made the IDE plugin compile with Unicode based Delphi versions - 10.2 Tokyo confirmed to work
1.1.1 11/21/2016
- Made the IDE plugin compile with XE2+
- Search paths with a total length of more than 1024 characters are
now supported (before CrossKylix would produce broken .conf files)
- crosskylix.ini is now stored in the user application data folder
instead of CrossKylix' bin directory
1.1.0 07/21/2010
- A fix in regards of GetThreadContext makes CrossKylix now compatible
with Windows 7 (and probably Windows Vista which before also didn't
work, but I've never tested Vista)
- An annoying bug (probably a Kylix compiler bug) that caused the
first error message in a unit to be displayed inside the IDE in a
garbled way, making code nagivation by clicking on the error
impossible, is fixed. Finally, this was stealing my nerves for the
last 6 years.
1.0.0 10/27/2004
- Added "output directory" to CrossKylix options
- Moved Kylix-paths to the top of the .conf file. This fixes the
problem that if "Use Debug DCUs" was enabled in Delphis project
options, Kylix tried to use those dcus (which failed). This used to be
a common problem for many first-time users.
- Added missing translation for -LU switch, which made compiling
packages fail
- Compile dialog now uses FileCtrl.MinimizeName to shorten the path
name displayed - looks better
- The CK menu items now will only be enabled if you have a compilable
project open. For Delphi 2005 it will only be enabled if the current
personality is set to Delphi.
- The ckdcc command line compiler now will display some own usage
information additional to the native dcc one
- ckdcc now also works when installed into a path with a space
character in it. Compiling projects with spaces in their paths still
is begging for trouble, though.
- Delphi 2005 now is officially supported
0.9.1 10/08/2004
- A bug in ekemu.pas made CrossKylix fail when installed in directory
with a space in it. Thanks to Alan for finding this bug.
- When compiling from inside the Delphi IDE, the ck.dat process wasn't
freed. Thanks to Ghislain for the notification.
0.9.0 10/07/2004
- Finished a complete rewrite of the emulation engine. Everything now
is native Win32 code, LINE is gone, and that crappy cygwin1.dll isn't
used anymore \o/
- The outer part of the emulation engine has been moved to Delphi
code, and now resides in the ckemu.pas unit. The only stuff still
written in C is the Linux ELF loader code and some syscalls
- Changed form positions to poScreenCenter for better multi-monitor
support (thanks Craig)
- Added the option to output a full trace of all linux syscalls done
by DCC. This is for debugging purposes, and hell slow.
- A command-line compiler, ckdcc, is now part of the project
- Added all the missing locale-stuff. CK is now able to compile source
files that use characters outside the ANSI set, e.g. german umlauts.
In the CK Options dialog it's now possible to select the source
encoding. The default, ISO-8859-15, should be fine for western europe
and the USA.
- As reported by Kristijan (Thanks!), my Libc dlopen workaround did
not work on Debian distros. This is now fixed.
- As recently reported, Kylix compiled applications crash on Linux
kernels with exec-shield enabled. I've provided a fix for this at
http://crosskylix.untergrund.net/execshield/. This fix now automaticly
is applied in-memory on CrossKylix-compiled executables, so you are no
longer affected by this Kylix compiler issue.
0.8.2 07/30/2004
- Fixed a bug that was causing CrossKylix to hang if dcc did output a
lot of error messages while compiling a project
- The installkylix.exe installer did not install optional packages
like dbexpress
- Now uses the GetShortPathName API call for getting short path names
for paths that contain spaces. CrossKylix should now work for projects
with spaces in path names. Also installing CrossKylix to a directory
with spaces in it should be fine now. Thanks to Jim Mckeeth for the
- The strange cygwin1.dll bug that requires a lot of CK users to do a
minimal Cygwin installation still isn't found or fixed. Sigh.
0.8.1 07/06/2004
- Finally found out what was causing the Access Violations when
closing Delphi and also caused the missing Tools menu item after
restart - this is caused by adding the CrossKylix menu item at the end
of the tools menu. Sigh. Now the item is added in the upper part of
the tools menu, and it works. Open Tools Api sometimes can be a real
- Project files with "unit1 in 'unit1.pas'" had problems finding
unit1.pas, as Delphi/Kylix does not use the unit search path in this
case, but uses the current directory. WHY? Added work-around to
- If dcc inside CrossKylix crashed for some reason, it kept stuck in
an endless- loop causing also the Delphi IDE to freeze. It should now
abort correctly in this case
0.8 07/03/2004
- Now uses GetCurrentProject to find out active project.
- Sets LANG=en_US
- Added Andreas Hausladen's ProcessAffinity stuff to make LINE
- Now adds Kylix bin path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that libtextform.so
can be used (so that text xfm/dfm files work with CrossKylix)
- Tons of fixes to the line/linexec stuff to workaround a cygwin bug
preventing the usage of libtextform.so
- Now uses better buffering for stderr and stdout, resulting in no
more messed up error/warning messages
- Fixed a strange bug that was causing the stack to overrun, resulting
in CrossKylix silently stopping to compile for a lot of projects
(including all CLX stuff)
- If exe and unit output directorys are not configured in project
options, add project dir as default (no more "where is my exe?" bug
reports ;)
- Added the option to use a patched Libc.pas, which loads .so's from
the application directory = much less hazzle deploying kylix
- Fixed lots of bugs. Surprise, surprise.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes gave an Access Violation when
removing/recompiling the IDE plugins
0.7 06/08/2004
- Removed int80.sys
- Removed patchdcc.exe
- Added path translations to linexec
- Fatal errors are now displayed as errors in compile dialog
- Compile dialog is now StayOnTop
- Error box if unable to create configuration
- Forced CrossKylix path to include a trailing backslash
- Fixed problem that could result in an AV instead of displaying the
CrossKylix options menu item under Tools
- Added cfg filters for new Delphi 7 compiler directives not supported
by Kylix (please report if there are more)
Kylix application deployment
As you may know, deploying Kylix applications (especially visual CLX
stuff) to another Linux box can be quite some frustrating work. Please
read efg's
computer labs excellent report for more information on this.
The biggest problem with deployment is: Unlike on Windows, the system
loader does not load libraries from the program installation directory.
The .so libraries required by Kylix need to be placed in /usr/lib (or
/lib). The only alternative up to now was to create a shell startup script
for your program which would add you programs path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable - ugly. If you don't have root access to the Linux
server (for example if you use shared hosting), you usually are lost -
only the root user may install new libraries, and most system admins will
tell you to take your Kylix app and go away.
CrossKylix also offers a solution to this: When installing Kylix using
installkylix.exe, a patched copy of Libc.pas (the main linux
system unit for Kylix) is create in c:\crosskylix\libc .
Under Linux, the libc function dlopen does the loading of
shared objects (libraries). This function is declared in Libc.pas .
In the patched version (called ckLibc.pas ) this function is
extended - if the standard way of loading a library does not succeed, it
will now do a second attempt, using the path the running application is
running in.
What this means is: If your application is using the patched Libc.pas ,
you may now simply place all required .so files (usually
libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so + dbexpress drivers etc) into the directory your
application is installed to - and that's it! No more startup shell
scripts, no copying to /usr/lib and running ldconfig etc...
The patched file ckLibc.pas is tightly integrated into
CrossKylix. If you wish to use it together with CrossKylix, all you have
to do is to check the "Use Libc.pas replacement for easy deploying"
checkbox in the CrossKylix Options - that's it. CrossKylix in future will
now automaticly add the search path c:\crosskylix\libc\ to
your CrossKylix projects, and create a unit alias Libc=ckLibc" .
You don't have to change a single line of code, and all third-party
components also will keep working as before (the Libc interface section
isn't changed, so there is no need to recompile the whole RTL/CLX).
Credits & legal stuff
CrossKylix is written and copyrighted by Simon
Kissel. It is licensed under the BSD License. In short this means: You may use
CrossKylix to compile any kind of project without limitations. If you
wish to modify and redistribute CrossKylix code itself, you are allowed
to this, too. I'd really prefer if you send me changes and improvements
you have made so other users can benefit, too.
- The CrossKylix ZIP comes bundled with several Linux shared object
files (glibc-2.2.5). Those are unmodified binary versions taken from the
SUSE Linux distribution. They are licensed under the GPL. Following the
GPL rules, the sources of the RPM package used are available for
download here. This package is
not needed for CrossKylix, it's just available for download to follow
the GPL license.
- InstallKylix.exe, which is used to install the Kylix binaries from the
Kylix installation cd, internally uses tar32.dll, which is written by Yoshioka Tsuneo and
is in the public domain.
- Borland Delphi and Borland Kylix once were commercial products by Borland. No files
copyrighted by Borland are shipped with CrossKylix. Kylix sadly is not
available for purchase anymore.
Delphi and Kylix are registered trademarks of Borland Software
Corporation. This project is not affiliated with Borland.
As I'm a very busy guy, please only mail me if absolutely required. I do
not give any kind of support, sorry. If you really need to contact me,
here is my address: scamp@untergrund.net.
© Simon
Kissel 2004-2017.